Solving the SEND Crisis – Evidence from Dingley’s Promise

Over the past few years, giving every child the best early years education has increasingly been considered the key to success in their educational journey and their life outcomes.

Despite the importance of this stage of education, we are currently failing children with SEND and their families in the early years. Coram’s annual childcare survey in 2024 found that only 6% of local authority areas felt they have enough early years provision for children with SEND. This is a drop from 18% in 2023, showing a dramatic worsening in access to early years provision. Dingley’s Promise research in late 2023 found that one in five families had been turned away from an early years setting because of their child’s needs, something that is repeatedly being raised as a concern through our work with families and local authorities across the country.

In this evidence, we offer key strategies for improving this untenable situation, highlighting areas of concern from the viewpoint of families, settings and local authorities.

Click here for our full evidence submission.