Dingley’s Promise launches FREE training offer in Inclusive Practice


Across the country, we are all contributing to the safety of others by self distancing and working from home. At this time, Early Years Practitioners may be looking for ways to keep busy and develop their skills while they are at home.

In line with their commitment to improving Early Years provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), children’s charity Dingley’s Promise has developed and launched a new training module in Inclusive Practice, which is being offered free of charge to anyone it would benefit.

The new course, titled an ‘Introduction to Early Years Inclusive Practice’, forms part of the charity’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and focuses on ensuring children with SEND are included in the mainstream wherever possible. With the charity’s centres being closed, Dingley’s Promise has adapted to supporting children and families remotely, and remains dedicated to providing every child with the best start in life, especially in these challenging times.

Chief Executive of Dingley’s Promise Catherine McLeod MBE said ‘we are so happy to be able to offer this module for free across the UK as we believe that it will help to spread inclusive practices in the early years. When we all return from this crisis we could be returning to more opportunities for children with SEND in the early years than ever before.’

Dingley’s Promise is a leading voice in the Early Years field and advocates for wider inclusion nationally, through relationships with organisations such as the Disabled Children’s Partnership. The charity also already runs a Level 3 qualification ‘Certificate in Early Years Inclusive Practice’, accredited by NCFE and supported by nasen (National Association for Special Educational Needs), making them well placed to launch this new training initiative.

The charity pledges that the free training offer will be accessible to all for as long as the lockdown continues.

For anyone who is interested in the course, a simple online form (https://www.dingley.org.uk/covid-19-response/#training) can be filled in and once an applicant is accepted, the training manual will be sent via email.



Free training flyer April 2020