Post Election Statement

Securing inclusion for children with SEND in the early years is our main priority and we are excited to work with the new government to make vital changes over the coming months to give more children with SEND access to early years education.

In conversations with us, the Labour party have shown their understanding of the need to ensure that every child can access their early years entitlements, and Bridget Phillipson has emphasised how important the Bell Review will be in outlining the steps the new government will be taking around early years SEND. We are keen to see the party action the crucial de-linking of Disability Access Funding from Disability Living Allowance to take pressure off families and release funding quickly so that settings can welcome children with SEND. We also hope to see mandatory inclusion training for all early years professionals. It is also vital for the high needs block to be ringfenced to support children with high needs in the early years.

We must focus on early intervention as this will give our children the foundations for a bright future in which they can achieve their full potential.

Our young children with SEND need the fairer education system the government is proposing, and Dingley’s Promise are committing to helping them to achieve it.